zodiac tattoos

zodiac-tattoosZodiac is a symbol associated with a person's behavior and is often used as a horoscope to predict the future. From that time, we started naming and connected to a constellation of stars with dots, the signs of the zodiac has attracted human beings. Every culture has got their own meanings of the signs along with different names attached to it. There are 12 zodiac signs with different meanings that are represented in the form of zodiac tattoos or designs. All 12 zodiac signs are divided by date of birth of people such as Aquarius tattoos, Pisces tattoos, Aries tattoos, and tattoos taurus.

Aquarius Tattoos
Aquarius has some special characteristics such as a friendly character, views of humanity, loyalty, honesty, originality and inventiveness, intellectual and independent. To complement the positive points, they have several weaknesses as well as crime, the nature unpredictable and without emotions. This tattoo designs widely used and easy.

Pisces Tattoos
Pisces is also called "Fish". These tattoo designs cover, two fish, each swim in two different directions. A tattoo Pisces explains as follows: Sensitive, imaginative, compassionate, and sympathetic to the natural world and also a strong sense of intuition. On the other hand, Pisces is idealistic and has a tendency to become weak. When choosing a tattoo design, make sure you choose the right color.

Aries Tattoos
People who fall into this category; very energetic and adventurous, brave, confident, enthusiastic and intelligent. However, in their bad moods can be selfish, quick-tempered, impatient and impulsive. This tattoo is always red because the color symbolizes the planet Mars.

Taurus tattoo
Bull, this tattoo is the mark and symbolizes the planet Venus. Strength tattoo Taurus including; patience, reliable, loving, determined and persistent and disadvantages include jealousy, possessiveness, greed and inflexible. This tattoo traditional color pink and likes the ladies.

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